June 10, 2024 Email

(Jun 13, 2024)

I was back in Harrisburg this week, and I was proud to cast my affirmative vote for a basic education funding bill that would help get our public schools the dollars they need to assist students, teachers, and staff. We have a historic opportunity to reverse decades of underfunding public education. The House did our part. Now, the state Senate needs to act. Read more


Powell introduces bill requiring medical insurers to cover consultations between physicians

(Jun 11, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 11 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, has introduced a bill that would help Pennsylvanians access the consultations and care they need, while keeping the price of this treatment low. Powell’s legislation ( H.B. 2385 ) would mandate that consultations between doctors, often done virtually, are covered under health insurances policies statewide. “The collective knowledge of more than one medical professional is often vital when our neighbors receive care. Interprofessional consultations are one tool physicians employ to effectively diagnose and treat patients,” Powell said. “This bill would help ensure that costs facing patients are reduced and would provide better peace of mind on the path to recovery. The burden of scheduling additional doctor appointments would also be removed and save patients considerable time and money.” The bill has been referred to the PA House Insurance Committee. A related bill Powell has introduced would prohibit employers in Pennsylvania from denying medical benefits to workers who are on strike. That legislation is co-sponsored by state Rep. Dan Miller, D-Allegheny. Read more


Powell’s legislation to revitalize designated neighborhoods passes House

(Jun 10, 2024)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell’s bill that would help keep individuals and families in their homes passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today. The legislation, H.B. 1064, would update the Tax Increment Financing Act and allow TIF districts to fund affordable housing, foreclosure and rental assistance, and workforce programs with funds collected from the implementation of the act. The bill would also increase the lifespan of TIF districts from 20 to 25 years, allowing more revenue generated from these projects to ensure development is equitable and to support homeowners who may be impacted by resulting property tax increases. “These commonsense changes to the TIF Act are investments not only in the economic health and viability of neighborhoods but are investments in our neighbors who call these communities home,” said Powell, D-Allegheny. “Strengthening our community bonds and supporting residents is a bipartisan issue, and I'm glad my colleagues on both sides recognized the need for these protections.” TIF districts are communities deemed “blighted” or “distressed” and coordinated through a partnership with a city and its respective county and school districts. The legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration. Read more


June 3, 2024 Email

(Jun 06, 2024)

My colleagues and I were back in Harrisburg this week for budget negotiations, and like the temperatures, discussions are heating up fast! Please never hesitate to let my office know which priorities you want to see funded. A budget is only strong if it reflects the needs and priorities of our communities! Read more


May 27, 2024 Email

(May 30, 2024)

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend, as we paid homage to all our fallen service members and their sacrifices to our country. Once my colleagues and I return to Harrisburg next week, we’ll be fully in the thick of budget month, my first, but I’m looking forward to passing a comprehensive Pennsylvania budget. Read more


Powell introduces resolution to draw attention to elder abuse

(May 30, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 30 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell has introduced a resolution that would designate June 15, 2024 as Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Pennsylvania. “Mistreatment of our senior neighbors is not limited to what we can physically observe. Abuse encompasses psychological, emotional and financial manipulation and is made easier through widespread internet access,” said Powell, D-Allegheny. “They are our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles who were there for us when we needed support. Now, we need to be present for them. We must keep them healthy and safe in their advanced age, and my resolution would help further this important conversation.” At least 10% of adults aged 65 and older will experience some form of elder abuse in a given year, according to one statistic compiled by the U.S. Department of Justice. In Pennsylvania , reports of elder abuse rose from 39,820 cases in fiscal year 2020-21 to 44,352 cases in fiscal year 2021-22. The resolution ( H.R. 453 ) was referred to the PA House Aging & Older Adult Services Committee, of which Powell is a member. Read more


May 20, 2024 Email

(May 22, 2024)

My colleagues on both sides of the aisle are back in Harrisburg before the busy budget month of June begins to deliver on important legislation for all Pennsylvanians. As an example, I voted yes on state Rep. Mandy Steele’s bill that would require health insurance to cover the costs of blood pressure monitors for pregnant or postpartum persons, a critical piece of legislation that will provide new parents greater peace of mind. Read more


Powell, Pisciottano introduce green energy bill

(May 22, 2024)

HARRISBURG, May 22 – State Reps. Lindsay Powell and Nick Pisciottano, both D-Allegheny, today introduced legislation aimed at growing green energy jobs across Pennsylvania while ensuring a just transition for fossil fuel industry workers. House Bill 2315 would establish the Promotion of Renewable Opportunities, Supporting People, Employment & Resilience (PROSPER) Tax Credit to incentivize the creation of sustainable energy jobs in Pennsylvania, with a focus on regions grappling with high unemployment rates within the natural-resources and mining sectors. “The urgency to shift toward sustainable energy sources is undeniable, but we must ensure that no worker is left behind in this transition," Powell said. "We have a tremendous opportunity to position Pennsylvania as a leader in the transition to renewable energy. The PROSPER Tax Credit is our commitment to supporting workers who have long relied on the fossil fuel industry, while simultaneously fostering the growth of green energy jobs in our state.” “So many families in southwestern Pennsylvania rely on jobs in the natural gas and mining industries,” Pisciottano said. “Legislation like this is key to helping these workers keep earning a paycheck as our economy shifts away from fossil fuels. Industries changing over time is inevitable, but our dedication to pursuing policies that support working people is unwavering.” Read more


May 13, 2024 Email

(May 16, 2024)

Representatives are back in their districts this week, and I’ve been fortunate to meet with residents about their priorities for the budget this year! Read more


Powell: More than $62,000 secured for improvements to Stephen Foster Community Center

(May 14, 2024)

PITTSBURGH, May 14 – The Stephen Foster Community Center is receiving $62,558 for capital improvements and renovations, state Rep. Lindsay Powell announced today. Powell, D-Allegheny, said the competitive grant from the state Department of Aging is a smart investment in a well-loved community gathering place. “The center plays a key role for so many seniors by offering meals and transportation, health and wellness programs, and classes and trips,” Powell said. “Possibly most important, it brings people together for conversation, community engagement, and all the other activities that go hand in hand with healthy aging. “The new funding will help ensure that the many seniors who love and use the center will be able to do so in the safest, most comfortable setting possible. I’m grateful to the center staff and Catholic Youth Organization for all they do to make the center a vital place in so many people’s lives, and I’m thankful to the Department of Aging and our community partners for the new funding that will keep it thriving.” More information about the competitive grants as well as additional, non-competitive grants to area senior centers is available here . Read more


Powell praises $75,000 in grants for community improvements in district

(May 13, 2024)

PITTSBURGH, May 13 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, announced that a total of $75,000 in state grants has been awarded to help communities in Pennsylvania’s 21st Legislative District become safer, easier to navigate and focused on the future. The state Department of Community and Economic Development awarded $50,000 to Reserve Township to finish repairs to Logan Street, which links Millvale Borough to Reserve Township. Powell said this crucial corridor helps facilitate fast travel for each other’s first responders to provide mutual aid and connects residents with area shopping, restaurants and places of worship. These funds will be utilized to install a retaining wall to prevent a future landslide, stabilize the slope, and implement traffic safety improvements to the route. “Reserve Township’s residents and first responders deserve a quick route to and from Millvale Borough because lives literally depend on it,” Powell said. “Our region is prone to landslides, as a result of our beautiful but volatile landscapes, and it was my privilege to bring back these crucial dollars to our neighbors.” “State Representative Powell was instrumental in facilitating a state grant that allowed Reserve Township to rebuild the failing retaining wall and get this route reopened again after a closure of more than two years,” said Jan Kowalski, Reserve Township’s manager. Etna Borough received $25,000 from Read more


May 6, 2024 Email

(May 08, 2024)

Stalking impacts nearly 7.5 million Americans every year. Now, devices like Apple’s AirTag are so discrete that a stalker can drop the device into their victim's pocket or purse without the victim being aware. I’m proud to say, however, that legislation passed the PA House to keep up with these individuals seeking to do harm. Read more


April 29, 2024 Email

(May 01, 2024)

The federal Affordable Connectivity Program is officially at an end as of this email. Read more


Powell’s bill to prohibit remote stalking passes Pa. House

(Apr 30, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 30 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell’s bill that would ban tracking via a feature on devices manufactured by Apple Inc. passed the Pennsylvania House of Representatives today. The legislation, H.B. 416 , would forbid the use of AirTags for any nefarious motive, with an emphasis on remote stalking. Bad actors have utilized AirTags to put trackers on vehicles and pinpoint the location of their victims. “Stalking in any form directly or indirectly impacts far too many residents in our state, country and worldwide. Not only that, the consistent advent of new technologies has made life even more perilous for people subjected to this crime,” Powell, D-Allegheny, said. “This bill would help neighbors stay safer across the commonwealth and keep them on level ground with people seeking to do them harm.” Multiple plaintiffs filed a class-action lawsuit against Apple in December of 2022 for remote stalking and despite the company’s attempt to dismiss the case, it is moving forward. AirTags, launched more than three years ago, is intended to help individuals find items that are often misplaced, such as keys, wallets or bookbags. The bill now heads to the state Senate for consideration. Read more


Reps. Lindsay Powell and Aerion A. Abney: Bridging Pa.’s digital divide

(Apr 25, 2024)

Covid-19 not only resulted in immeasurable loss of life, it also permanently altered life as we knew it. The base of operations that is home shed its more proverbial association and became the place where business in all its forms got done. Computers and internet access represented a lifeline for people forging ahead through this once-in-a-generation health crisis. Read more


April 22, 2024 Email

(Apr 24, 2024)

I hope everyone got out and rocked the vote yesterday on Primary Day, whether at polling places throughout the county, or by mail-in, or absentee ballot! Read more


Powell appointed to PA Children’s Trust Fund board

(Apr 18, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 18 – State Rep. Lindsay Powell, D-Allegheny, has been selected to join the board of the Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund . Powell was appointed to the board by House Speaker Joanna McClinton, D-Delaware/Phila., and Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., who is the House chair of the Children and Youth Committee. “I’m honored to be a member of the PA Children’s Trust Fund board and lend my voice to the tremendous work and advocacy done on behalf of the health and well-being of children across the Commonwealth. Every child deserves the right to live their best life and have all opportunities available to them to succeed,” Powell said. “Thank you Speaker McClinton and Rep. Bullock for entrusting me with this new role.” The Pennsylvania Children’s Trust Fund, established almost 35 years ago, is dedicated to funding innovative and creative community-based child abuse and neglect prevention programs. Specific emphasis for funding is placed on primary prevention programs, which focus on the prevention of abuse before it occurs. The organization’s board consists of three members of the state House of Representatives, three members of the state Senate, and nine citizens appointed by the governor and confirmed by majority vote in the Senate. Read more


April 15, 2024 Email

(Apr 16, 2024)

We seem to finally have a break from the torrential rain from these past two weeks, and I hope you got to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather this past Sunday! Read more


April 8, 2024 Email

(Apr 10, 2024)

Reps. Aerion Abney, Roni Green, and I have introduced legislation that mirrors the federal Affordable Connectivity Program on a state level. Read more


Powell, Abney, Green introduce affordable internet bill

(Apr 09, 2024)

HARRISBURG, April 9 – State Reps. Lindsay Powell and Aerion Abney, both D-Allegheny, and state Rep. Roni Green, D-Phila., introduced legislation that would mirror the federal government’s Affordable Connectivity Program and create a similar program in Pennsylvania. This legislation ( H.B. 2195 ) would provide eligible households with $30 per month to apply towards their broadband internet access, an essential service that increases employment, educational and health outcomes. “Over 739,000 households in Pennsylvania benefited from this federal program and while it’s shameful that Congress has yet to reauthorize funding, the General Assembly and the governor have the opportunity to help hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians access stable broadband,” Powell said. Abney highlighted a specific demographic the bill would concentrate on by saying, “Kindergartners through high school seniors must be able to learn and access coursework online. Our bill would help provide these necessities and ensure learning gaps are bridged.” “Governor Shapiro’s economic development strategy is bold and will ensure Pennsylvania prospers in the coming decades,” Powell said. “Increasing access to affordable broadband internet is a critical component to setting our economy on a path toward innovation and resilient growth.” Pennsylvania’s digital divide is real, with 25% of Latino and 35% of Black Read more